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Todas as traduções - kismaayo

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Resultados 1 - 4 de cerca de 4
Língua de origem
Inglês toured a hospital in the town of Kebri Dehar, in...
toured a hospital in the town of Kebri Dehar, in the Somali region. Before his arrival, local officials forced starving infants out of the emergency ward and on to the street.

Traduções concluídas
Sueco besökte ett sjukhus i staden Kebri Dehar
Língua de origem
Inglês Do you know what is hapening now in Eastern...
Do you know what is hapening now in Eastern Ethiopia, Genocide is taking place now, if you visit or even rise a question to Ethiopian authorities about Ogaden, I am sure the situation in this area is worse now than in Darfur, Unfortunately nobody knows.

Traduções concluídas
Sueco Vet du vad som händer i östra Etiopien